Insp. Nkem, also known as "Monkey NO Fine," arrived Nkporo as a duty-bound police officer and was met with deep hospitality from the villagers. His interactions with the community were marked by mutual respect and a genuine interest in understanding the local culture and traditions. Over time, he became an integral part of the village, earning the trust and admiration of members of the village.
Insp. Nkem's unique approach to community policing included initiating a book project about Nkporo, aiming to document its history, customs, and stories of the height of hospitability he got from the people of Nkporo. This project not only showcased his dedication to bridging the gap between law enforcement and the community but also highlighted his passion for finding a way to appreciate the people who received him as one of their own.
However, tragedy struck at about 17:30hr on the evening of 09/07/2013, when Insp. Romanus Nkem was allegedly found shot at his duty post at the Nkporo Divisional Police Headquarters. The circumstances surrounding his death remain shrouded in mystery, leaving both the villagers and his colleagues in shock and disbelief.
The abrupt end to his promising initiatives and positive impact on the community as the first non-Nkporo person who started a book project about Nkporo left many questioning what could have led to such a tragic outcome. Despite the uncertainties surrounding Insp.
Nkem's untimely demise, his legacy lives on in the hearts of those who knew him. The village mourned the loss of a friend and ally who sought to build bridges and foster understanding between law enforcement and community service.