The legendary Oje-Ndi was a renowned orthopedic doctor in Nkporo known for his exceptional talent in saving limbs that would have otherwise been amputated. His unique approach to medical care, where he accepted yams as payment instead of monetary fees, earned him the nickname "Oje-Ndi," which translates to "one whose services are substituted for yam." Oje-Ndi's reputation spread far and wide due to his remarkable ability to treat complex orthopedic conditions without resorting to amputation. Patients from neighboring villages would travel long distances seeking his expertise, knowing that he could potentially save their limbs and alleviate their suffering. We think it is proper to say that he would go to households with his sack bag of herbal medicines and ointment, aligning bones to bones and tendons to tendons. Despite not charging high fees for his services, Oje-Ndi was highly skilled in diagnosing and treating various orthopedic ailments. He was known for his gentle bedside manner and compassionate approach towards his patients, often spending extra time ensuring they understood their condition and treatment options, and not getting angry when children and adults with fractured bones taunt him, injutaaam ike ma akpoghi oje-egburu, if you message me so hard, will rather offer you tubers of cassava instead of yam tubers.
His selfless dedication to preserving limbs and improving the quality of life for his patients transcended mere medical practice. It embodied the true essence of humanitarianism and service to others. High Chief Chukwu Chukwu's story serves as a testament to the power of compassion, skill, and innovation in healthcare delivery. His willingness to forego financial gain in exchange for preserving limbs symbolizes the noblest ideals of medicine - healing with humility and humanity.
Source: Nkporo In Africa (Narratives of the most hospitable people in West Africa)